Why Choose Geata? Privacy Simplified

There are major benefits and risks associated with using a consumer's personal information (PI). You must choose privacy professionals who appreciate both the benefits and risks of using PI. Geata's team of privacy professionals blend legal expertise, technological expertise and marketing and business expertise, providing clients with an effective, lower cost solution to managing privacy concerns.

We Are Privacy Professionals
Privacy professionals must understand the legal landscape but must also understand business priorities and limitations. Geata's team of privacy professionals have years of experience implementing tools to allow its clients to respond effectively to changes in privacy laws, all the while balancing the need to achieve business goals.

We Are Technologists
Organizations may collect personal information (PI) from a variety of sources and for many purposes. Geata's team of privacy professionals have vast experience implementing the technology solutions that allow its clients to respect consumer privacy and, by extension, privacy law. Geata's privacy tools allow its clients to work seamlessly with third party business partners while helping the clients to respect and protect the consumer's PI.

We Are Business Professionals
Geata understands that personal information (PI) is indispensable to most businesses. Implementing an effective marketing communications program involves collecting PI both directly and indirectly. Organizations do not need to dispense with privacy programs to execute on marketing plans. Organizations don't necessarily need to create complicated administrative programs to treat each consumer's PI differently depending on where the consumer resides. Geata's team is highly skilled in designing simplified privacy tools that fit with your business.

The international privacy landscape has changed dramatically over the past few years, and it will continue to evolve. You need a team of privacy professionals who can be responsive to changes in the law while respecting your business goals. You need the team of privacy professionals from Geata!